Title- Venerable Mahagandhayon Sayadaw’s Homily Part-12


The late Sayādaw U Janakābhivaṃsa, also known as Mahāgandhayon Sayādaw, devoted his life to teaching Buddhist studies (pariyatti) to many hundreds of monks. In Burma the fame of his monastery is perhaps comparable to that of Oxford University in England, and many young monks wish to go there to study. He followed the vinaya very strictly, and worked tirelessly for the preservation of the sāsana.

Spiritual Progress

116. Man usually tries to improve the material side of his existence; he rarely recognises the importance of the mental aspect. That is why people are always looking to material progress.


117. People usually oppress others when they get the upper hand.

Everyone Makes Mistakes

118. Everyone is likely to make mistakes because of ignorance, so it’s better not to say too much.

Making Headway

119. If you want to make headway in life, try to become proficient according to your age.

120. With good behaviour, a good mind, and a good education, I will make headway in life. Otherwise, I will get into a rut.

Strike A New Path

121. People cannot strike a new path; they follow the beaten track.

122. Sometimes, it may not be advisable to behave according to the times. People will have to suffer the consequences of bad times.

Behave Moderately

123. If you are too soft, you may be insulted. If you are too tough, you may make many enemies. Behaving moderately is better.

124. Even if those around you don’t love you, don’t let them hate you.

Useless Work

125. You cannot gain any benefit from doing useless work.




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