Title- Venerable Mahagandhayon Sayadaw’s Homily Part-19


The late Sayādaw U Janakābhivaṃsa, also known as Mahāgandhayon Sayādaw, devoted his life to teaching Buddhist studies (pariyatti) to many hundreds of monks. In Burma the fame of his monastery is perhaps comparable to that of Oxford University in England, and many young monks wish to go there to study. He followed the vinaya very strictly, and worked tirelessly for the preservation of the sāsana.

Insight Meditation

192. If you practise insight meditation, you will gain wisdom. If you have developed wisdom, you can remove ignorance.

193. Insight meditation requires constant practice, or one will be just the same as any other person.

194. Just as you take your meals at regular hours, you should practise insight meditation regularly.

A Refuge for All

195. The poor mistake religion as the refuge of the upper classes.

196. Religion is not anyone’s personal property; it is a common asset.

Finding the Right Path

197. It is vital to develop one’s intelligence and find the right path through religion.

198. Effective ways to practice meditation are to be found in Buddhism.

They Do Not Know

199. Being a monk is like mining precious metals with food and clothing provided. You will get precious metals if you dig for them, but the stags who do not know the value of gems only hanker after grass.

Heirs of the Dhamma

200. The property that parents leave their children as a legacy will help them only in this life, but if parents can give them the Dhamma, it will benefit them throughout saṃsāra.



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